Thursday, May 17, 2012

IBM server x336 modification SCSI to SATA - 2 (LED Indicators)

This is small update of article about modification server IBM x336 from SCSI to SATA.

Today I'd like to talk about front LED indicators.

Our cheap sata backplane has two outputs for LED indicators. One is for power and one for activity.


I've bought two colors led for indication power and activity of each HDD. As I dicovered later activity output not work properly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Enable google talk to work with your own domain

It may look easy but it's very hard to find the correct setting.

On google help site is not complete setting if you want to make your domain fully working with google talk.

I was searching but it's also very hard to find.

I'd like to specify what I mean if I say "Fully working".

  1. Chat outside google domain (you could find settings on google site)

  2. Connect from all clients

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

IBM server x336 modification SCSI to SATA

Few months ago I bought some older IBM servers. Two cheap iBM x336 with 4 GB RAM and two SCSI disks.

After first look I decided to use ona server as my new server with two 146 GB SCSI disks and FreeBSD installed and second server modify for two SATA disks. SCSI disks are great but more expensive and lower capacity then SATA disks.

I'd like to explain how to modify IBM X336 SCSI version and using it with SATA disks. During modification there was many obstacles that I need to solve.

ESP8266 + InfluxDB + OLED DIsplay and DHT22

Basicly just put together from Examples. Sending data tu InfluxDB was little bit tricky using HTTPClient and POST method for InfluxDB.