Tuesday, January 6, 2009

National Security Agency Vs Hysteria.sk

This cause is relatively well known in Slovakia, but clock ticks and people forgetting and I think it's not OK.This is very important part of Slovakia underground. Saying old adage: "Nations which haven't learn from their old mistakes, they are doomed to repeat them."

To many words about this cause was sayed in radio, TV, newspapers etc. I would most probably not anything new, therefore I decided to make this article only as the sum of links, resources where you can find information about this. I also make a mirror of articles, videos and pictures here becouse most of links are no longer avaible on the web.

Last update: 10.1.2009 16:01

ESP8266 + InfluxDB + OLED DIsplay and DHT22

Basicly just put together from Examples. Sending data tu InfluxDB was little bit tricky using HTTPClient and POST method for InfluxDB.